Welcome to HYLA Episcopal! This high school segment of HYLA will be held September 24th from 9am – 2pm (Breakfast and lunch included). It will be for High school and college Latinx students. That event is for three groups: High...

Washington DC, Wesley Theological Seminary. Date: August 3-6, 2022. Together HYLA College the Methodist and Episcopal students. Topic: “Theology & the Public square: Responses to a World Threatened by Intermittent Pandemics” Each applicant needs to submit a letter of recommendation...

Pastors for Peace Caravan/HYLA-Raices LatinasJuly 16-30, 2022 Conversación sobre la situación en Cuba y como participar en esta caravana Domingo 17 de Abril, 2022. - 8 PM Central Time / 9 PM Eastern TimeZoom meeting: connect from here Orientation about...