UMC Young People’s Ministry News

The information on this page is taken from the United Methodist Church Young People’s Ministries website. For more information, please access to the link below.

Right Place, Right Time, Eyes Open

Habakkuk had a lot to complain about…his people surrounded, about to be taken over. He was a witness to violence, unrest, and injustice everyday. In the midst of it he would ask God, “How long, O Lord?” God’s answer back isn’t an easy one, to paraphrase: “Habakkuk, watch and record so that you can share what you see. I’m doing something that you wouldn’t even believe if you saw it.”

In times where we say “How long, O Lord?”, I encourage you to do what God asks Habakkuk to do, be a witness to God’s work in the midst of so many wrong things about our world. Be a witness alongside your young people and watch for God at work. February is Black History Month in the US, when we often work intentionally to reference and include diverse theologians and voices in worship and lessons. This year, I challenge you to use this month as a launching pad, so that you can intentionally include those diverse voices every other month of the year as well!

Chris – Director of Young People’s Ministries at Discipleship Ministries

Young Adults - Global Mission Fellows

Unsure of what to do in the next two years? Consider transforming yourself and the world through the “US-2” track of the Global Mission Fellows program. We interviewed an organizer and a current US-2 Missionary to help inspire you to follow God’s call on your life through mission. Give it a listen and apply to become a US-2 Missionary!

Curricula Checklist

     We know that you use curriculum from lots of different writers. There is some good stuff out there from Methodists and other theological traditions as well. If you are choosing what resources to use for lessons and you are not sure about the theology of the pieces you are teaching (or having others teach) use this handy sheet to aid your decision making!


Daily Prayers for Anti-Racism

     In this Kairos moment of protest and awakening, Discipleship Ministries and other agencies and bodies of the United Methodist Church are providing resources and guidance on how to become anti-racist individuals and churches. This effort must be bathed in prayer. You can sign up to receive daily prayers, delivered by email.


Chris Wilterdink
Director, Young People’s Ministries