¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!

We, the Hispanic Youth Leadership, are a coalition of United Methodist youth/young adult student leaders. Our mission is to discern our call to ministry through the pursuit of higher education, awareness of social issues, spiritual and mental growth, and our awakening as leaders. We develop our leadership skills as we discover our passion through practice within The United Methodist Church and our individual communities. We unite together in solidarity through our common Latin@ experience and are committed to helping the pueblo Latino** regardless of legal status in order to transform the world.

*It is by the consensus of HYLA that we identify ourselves as Latin@s but continue to use the term Hispanic due to the historical formation of the academy and the use of this word to describe our community within society. In addition, we recognize that the name HYLA is well known and regarded within the UMC and in our communities. **As dictated by the Real Academia Espanola the Masculine term Latino is inclusive of both Latino and Latina communities. @2011 National Leadership Team of HYLA

You can support the HYLA Endowment, giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference. Be part of the movement who support young Latinx to discern their calling to ministry through the pursuit of higher education, awareness of social issues, spiritual and mental growth, as they lead in their communities, the UMC, and the world. We need your help to assure HYLA continues for new generations to come! Follow this link to donate: http://www.hylaumc.com/donate/

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